Year-end Ceremony for KOREANA Patent Firm (2019.12)
Writer : 관리자
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Year-end Ceremony for KOREANA Patent Firm (December 31, 2019)
On December 31, 2019, KOREANA Patent Firm had a ceremony to close the year of 2019 with the attendance of all its employees.
In this event, long-serving employees were given a prize, and LEE Yoon-Min, a senior managing partner, delivered a speech of encouragement to bid goodbye to the year.
In his speech, he addressed positive developments of the year for the company including less occupational errors compared with the previous year due to adoption of a new scheme aimed at preventing the errors, improvements to office environments and better amenities, and unfavorable developments such as fiercer business competition. He also noted that sense of responsibility and inter-department cooperation and communication were prerequisite for the company to continue to thrive.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone exchanged a word of gratitude for their annual service for the firm.
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담당부서 | 이름 | 연락처 |
전산실 | 이재광 | 519 - 6661 |