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Fire safety training (2022.12)
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Fire safety training (December 5, 2022)


On December 05, 2022, Koreana Patent Law Firm invited two firefighters, including firefighter Jeon Mi-jin from the Gangnam Fire Station to learn and get hands-on training on CPR and how to use an automatic external defibrillator that can save our families, colleagues, and neighbors in an emergency, with the practice session titled “the theory of CPR & how to use an automatic external defibrillator.”


Through audio-visual materials, the importance was learned through cases of success and failure on cardiac arrest patients that actually occurred recently.


Afterwards, CPR practice training was conducted along with the use of an automatic defibrillator. This was conducted with guidance from the firefighters where all participants, in pairs, practiced CPR using a mannequin.


It was an important practical training that can save a patient's life in the event of an actual emergency.


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