Fire safety training (2022.12)
Writer : 관리자
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Fire safety training (December 5, 2022)
On December 05, 2022, Koreana Patent Law Firm invited two firefighters, including
firefighter Jeon Mi-jin from the Gangnam Fire Station to learn and get hands-on
training on CPR and how to use an automatic external defibrillator that can
save our families, colleagues, and neighbors in an emergency, with the practice
session titled “the theory of CPR & how to use an automatic external
Through audio-visual materials, the importance was learned through cases
of success and failure on cardiac arrest patients that actually occurred
Afterwards, CPR practice training was conducted along with the use of an
automatic defibrillator. This was conducted with guidance from the firefighters
where all participants, in pairs, practiced CPR using a mannequin.
It was an important practical training that can save a patient's life in
the event of an actual emergency.
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개인정보의 보유기간 | 위 목적 달성 시 또는 고객의 동의 철회 시 까지 |
수탁업체 명 | 아이네트호스팅 |
위탁업무의 내용 | 웹사이트 호스팅 및 유지관리 |
구분 | 개인정보보호 책임자 | 개인정보보호 실무 담당자 |
직책 | 대표 변리사 | 전산실 차장 |
이름 | 이윤민 | 이재광 |
연락처 | 519 - 6011 | 519 - 6661 |
담당부서 | 직책 | 이름 | 연락처 | 근무시간 |
전산실 | 차장 | 이재광 | 519- 6661 | 9:00 ~ 18:00 |
설치대수 | 설치위치 | 촬영범위 | 촬영시간 |
8대 | KP빌딩 2층, 6~12층 출입구 | 각층 출입구 | 00 : 00 ~24 : 00 |
담당부서 | 이름 | 연락처 |
전산실 | 이재광 | 519 - 6661 |